God's Way to an A:
A Higher Motivation for Learning and Stress-free Study
Tune in and discover God’s downloads on stress-free study, fearless test-taking, meaningful academics, and outrageously joyful learning.
- Students, are your grades dropping along with your motivation?
- Are you tired of the stress, struggle, and striving in academics?
- Wondering how you can banish anxiety, boredom, and fear forever to capture a fresh joy of learning?
- Are you ready for a better way to study?
- Move from stressed to blessed in your studies.
- Connect your spiritual life with your academic life
- Overcome fear, procrastination, and anxiety
- Unleash peace, joy, and meaning in your studies
- Download revelation from God for your assignments
- Tap into the three heart motivations that will keep you motivated all the time!
- Enter into the joy of Spirit-led study
- Enjoy over the top achievement as a result!
- Parents, you will stop worrying and start empowering your students
- You will develop a biblical mindset for learning along with your student so you can both relate from the “same page.”
- 7 mp3 recorded training calls walking me through the modules
- The online God's Way to an A manual, 7 CDs, and 7 video training resources
- An online forum to interact with other participants
- 7 mp3 recorded training calls walking me through the modules
- The online God's Way to an A manual, 7 CDs, and 7 video training resources
- An online forum to interact with other participants
- BONUS: PLUS 8 academic success MP3 audio recordings, a $160 value
Parents, are you tired of nagging your kids to do homework?
Are you wondering if your student will be one of the “7 of out 10” high school students who will lose their faith when they go to college?
Wishing you could end the worry and actually start enjoying your student’s personal growth and expression of her unique gifts and talents?
Ready to sign-up for the course now? Click here..
Hi. I’m Veronica Karaman. I’m here to tell you that there is a better way to study! It’s called God’s Way to an A. As an excellent student but tired of the drudgery of study in graduate school, I wondered if God had a better way for me to experience learning.
After a time of seeking wisdom from above, God downloaded an awesome revelation to me that has forever changed my life and the lives of thousands of other students over the more than 20 years I have been coaching students. It’s called God’s Way to an A. It’s not about a program or a method. It’s not even about study skills. It’s about a relationship!
When I learned Secret #1: Learning is a partnership with God, and began to study from that place of partnership with my Teacher, my entire learning journey was transformed.
How about you? Are you stressed out from all the striving of school, meaningless assignments, wondering what the point is to it all? As a parent, are you worn out from trying to motivate your student to do his best, when he can’t understand why mediocre won’t due? Or are you so wigged out about having to be perfect, that you can’t enjoy the wonder of the learning journey?
So if you are tired of the struggle and striving of learning, either as a student or parent, you are SO IN THE RIGHT PLACE RIGHT NOW!
In God’s Way to an A, you will:
But who am I and why should you listen to me?
After I got the connection between my spiritual and academic life, I went on to graduate with outrageous grades. In fact, I had the awesome privilege of graduating as the most outstanding student in my class, with a perfect 4.0 G.P.A. through not one, but two masters programs. What’s more, my real joy was not the grades, but the amazing relationship with God I developed in my assignments. It was the joy of knowing God, not my grades, that propelled me through school. Since that time over 20 years ago, I have helped thousands of students break free from their academic captivity to soar as academic champions---students from the junior high level all the way to the Ph.D. level. In fact, professors from my school are still using my principles in their classes to train and motivate students! Through my practice, True Champion Coaching, I have also helped parents take on a positive coaching role in their students’ lives so they are enjoying the process together. Now for the first time, this life-changing program is available on-online, and I am going to coach you through to academic victory!
Here are what some students are saying!
I was a graduate student preparing to write a 4.5 hour comprehensive exam that would determine if I received my MA in history. The exam has a 30-50% failure rate and I was terrified! Your talk on how God wanted to partner with me in my studies changed my outlook on the exam. I studied for God’s glory and prayed that God would be glorified through a passing grade. Well, God decided He would much rather be glorified through a pass ‘with Distinction,’ the highest grade awarded on comprehensive exams and a grade not awarded by my department in years. Praise God for His utter faithfulness, and praise Him for placing you and your message in my path. Instead of a study in sleepless nights and fear-stricken days, my exams became a study of God’s amazing love and faithfulness in my life. Thanks again and God bless you!
Megan, American University
I’ve been changed and rearranged! I have no words to express what God Almighty has done in my life over this last week. Revelation of God in my studies is everything you said it was and more. Bless his Holy Name. I've never experienced anything like this in my life!! I have supernatural drive and motivation! All sorts of lights are coming on. I believe and now know he who begins a good work in me will complete it until that final day when Christ returns! I don't want to go back to the old way. There is now one more area in my life where I might know God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent!
Felicia Craig
Before I took Veronica’s course, I feared being put on academic probation at Regent University. I was so intimidated by the demands of graduate school, I procrastinated in completing assignments. This caused greater anxiety and compounded the problem.
Through Veronica’s course, I learned that the Holy Spirit is my study partner. I experienced peace while studying and actually was able to enjoy my classes! The focus was no longer on my ability to achieve, but on the power the Holy Spirit gave me to bless my teachers by being the best student possible.
Two years after completing God’s Way to an A, I graduated summa cum laude from Regent University and was awarded the honor of being the “Most Outstanding Graduate” in the School of Communications.
I firmly believe this course should be required in schools for all grade levels.
Kimberly D. Smith
The truths in this course were so liberating that I have been transformed and healed.
Rob Monti
I discovered a new outlook toward God in regards to my studies.
Tina C.
God has given me peace and joy in my studies and I no longer have anxiety about school.
Dana R.
These truths impacted me so greatly that I have plan on using them for the rest of my college career and the rest of my life.
Steve H.
I went from a 2.5 GPA to a 3.8 GPA in 12 weeks. I am now self-motivated in my studies!
Joseph W. 6th grade student
Veronica unexpectedly ushered in a fresh spirit to our school, by simply teaching God’s Way to an A to our staff. This was such a wonderful bonus for us, and helped our school year begin strong and focused. The staff, loved her tremendously. I highly recommend Veronica Karaman, and her expertise in the spiritually developing mind, to your school or organization.
Brad Johnson, Headmaster, Sandhills Classical Christian School
I am so glad there was someone else to speak into my daughter’s life. I no longer worry about her. I am now celebrating her growth and achievement.
Marsha K.
How about you? Are you ready to moved from stressed to blessed in your studies and get the breakthrough you’ve been yearning for? There is a better way! God’s Way to an A will not only revolutionize your studies, it will help change your life as you come to view things from God’s perspective.
Here’s a sampling of the proven strategies I will share with you:
Module 1
Learning is a Partnership with God
Delete anxiety. Add peace.
In this module you will learn the breakthrough paradigm shift from learning on your own self-effort to learning with the Greatest Professor of All. The call of the Christian student is not only to educate your mind, but to renew your mind. You will view learning with a new set of eyes—and never be the same again! You will move from striving to peace with just this one perspective change, and begin to develop a conversation with God in your studies and move from striving to abiding. Romans 12:1,2
Module 2
Knowing God as Your Source of Wisdom
Delete fear. Add faith.
In this module you will come to know God as yourTeacher, and how to walk with Him in your studies. A’s may please your parents—and yourself—but it is faith that pleases God. Your faith will be activated as you DO what takes faith, and banish boredom, procrastination, mediocrity as you do your work as unto the Lord.
Module 3
Receiving Downloads from Above
Delete lack of motivation. Add inspiration.
In this module you will learn how to create the learning flow—of receiving wisdom and inspiration from above. Learning is just not about filling your head with information. It’s about receiving wisdom and knowledge from God for your assignments—it’s about inspiration, too!
Module 4
Daniel and The Fear of the Lord
Delete mediocrity. Add an excellent spirit.
Did you know there is a model student in the Bible? His name is Daniel. In this Module you will learn about the life and habits of the most successful student in the Bible. You will replace striving with seeking, and discover the power of honoring God in your studies.
Module 5
The heart of it all: Love as the way to excellence
Delete emptiness. Add fulfillment.
What is the missing link in your learning? YOUR HEART! In this module, you will learn how to be motivated from the inside out. Discover the three biblical motivations to learning that will keep your motivation-motor running all the time—and will empower you to banish procrastination!
Module 6
Overcoming inadequacy through the help of your Helper!
Delete overwhelm. Add confidence in God.
Discover the role of the Holy Spirit in your learning journey, and how being inadequate can actually be a spring-board to a more powerful study life. In this module you will break free from limiting self-beliefs to maximize your learning potential in God.
Module 7
Leaving a legacy in your school.
Delete lack of meaning. Add purpose and influence.
In this module you will tap into your power of influence as a student. It’s not about what you gain, but about what you leave behind that will be your greatest treasure. Finding your flow as a student is not just about getting, but giving---expressing what is in you to others. Every student is a teacher, and here’s your chance to make an impact in your world.
I will personally take you by the hand and lead you step-by-step through this proven study transformation system that is based on the greatest power source in your life: God Himself!
Here’s how I am going to deliver it to you:
Seven 75 minute recorded training calls walking you through the modules of each call you can immediately download and listen to
On-line God’s Way to an A curriculum resources: manual, 7 audio CD teachings,
7 videos
An on-line forum to interact with other students
Also, please know you are protected by my 100% God’s Way to an A Guarantee. You’ll love how empowering this product is, or you will get you money back.
I firmly stand behind my product. I KNOW this product has the potential for transforming your learning--just as long as you attend class and do the work.
But just in case you don’t agree, you have until the end of the 1st class to decide if this is for you. Let me know before the start of the second class if you don’t want to continue and I’ll refund your investment.
Ready to get started or still have a few questions? (Click here if you want to sign-up now.)
Q. Will this add to my workload?
A. God’s Way to an A is designed to be applied to your current workload. Because it will help you to prioritize your time, it can actually help you to save time. I recommend using the material as your devotional material for the next 7 weeks.
Q. What if I don’t have much of a relationship with God, but I am interested in learning a spiritual approach to my studies?
A. You are more than welcome to join the class! As long as you are open to a biblical framework in the teachings, you can take the class at any level of spiritual development.
Q. What age level is this program suited for?
A. I am directing the material to the college age student. However, an aspiring high school student will feel most comfortable in the class. Also, parents of younger children are welcome to attend the course, have their children listen in, and work through the material together as the parents break down the principles and apply it to their children at their level. There will be separate places in the forum to connect for each student level.
Q. I’m an adult learner going back to school after many years of absence. Will this benefit me?
A. Absolutely! I have had many students go through GWA to overcome fear and build confidence in their studies through this academic empowerment course.
Q. Is this a study skills class?
A. NO! This is not a study skills course, although we will cover certain specific study habits. This is a mindset course. It’s how your relationship with God relates to your academics.
Q. What if I already make good grades?
A. Have you ever considered the possibilities of letting God help you study? Have you ever approached your studies as a way to enjoy God’s love and be freed from the fear, anxiety, and pressure that comes with performance? I was a straight A student when God invited me into learning as a partnership with Him, and it changed my life.
Q. What if a I am poor student?
A. God’s Way to an A will help you break free from self-limiting beliefs that keep you under-performing.
Rob & Brooke
Yes, Veronica! I want to transform my academics and move from stressed to blessed in my studies right away with the God's Way to an A tele-class.
For my investment of $247 $197, I understand I'm going to get:
Academic Success Coach Training of the Month - $22.00 (1 coach training)
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Holiday sale: 50 percent savings on the entire
God’s Way to an A course
* Paid in 21 day installments
Jose Gonzalez
Dr. Joseph Umidi
Rev. David Martin.
Veronica Karaman, Master Academic Coach
True Champion Coaching, Founder
The founder of True Champion Coaching, Veronica Karaman's passion for the last 25 years has been helping people to get in touch with their most authentic self and to live powerfully from that place--releasing the true champion within. A graduate of Duke University and Regent University, Veronica began her professional career as tour player and golf instructor. Her career highlight was playing in the 1989 Women's U.S. Open. She now brings her champion mind-sets from sports into her life-coaching and personal leadership practice empowering people to live with fresh focus, passion, and joy. She has personally trained over 6,000 students to be academic champions, through her widely acclaimed curriculum called God's Way to an A. After helping her mother to blossom late in life, she also loves to equip senior women to re-discover themselves in their second blossoming, and help families make fresh joyful generational connections. A nationally renowned speaker and author, Veronica currently resides in Pinehurst, North Carolina where she still loves to wack the ball, and help others to play their best game on the fairway, in the classroom, and in life!
Veronica Karaman, Master Academic Coach
True Champion Coaching, Founder